Standalone test - Lifts and Doors

Apart from the multi-level design reviews carried out for the developed components for lift and door integration, a list of tests have also been carried out on the standalone level to ensure quality.

Standalone tests for lift integration

To respect the confidentiality of the lift vendor who provided its services and helping hands in this project, the details of the conducted tests will not be disclosed in this section. However, this section will still give a description of the tested items / cases to provide a better understanding of what needs to be tested to ensure quality and stability.

For RMF to control the lift, the lift vendor has retrofitted its service lift with electronics which exposes its functionality to external systems via dry contact interfaces. A beckhoff PLC coupled with additional electronics (Lift Controller Box) which holds the logic in firing the correct sequence of signals to the lift vendor's electronics serves as a safe and stable intermediate controller. Higher level software calls can then be routed to the PLC to control the lift. A more detailed description of the work in integrating the lift can be found in Chapter 10.2.2.

Table 1 below shows a high level description of the tests carried out for the components for lift integration.

Table 1: Tests for components for lift integration

ComponentsCategoriesTest CasesReasons
Retrofitted Electronics from lift vendorValidation TestTesting validity of “lift in operation” feedback signal.

Reservation of lift.

Release of lift.

Calling lift to go to a level.
This test is critical as it serves the following purposes:
1. Ensure installation and enhancement
works from the lift vendor are done correctly.
2. Ensure the handovered system works as
intended to pre-given specification documents.
The design of the developed lift controller box references these specification documents.
A test early on will show any discrepancy in provided information which may affect the final developed design.
Lift Controller BoxFunctionality TestTesting reading of “lift in operation” feedback signal.

Reservation of lift.

Release of lift.

Calling lift to go to a level.

Exceptional Behaviors:
- Turnkey to non-interfering mode
- Electrical release of signals in error / exception mode
- Reconnecting when loss of 2 way heartbeat
- And more

Quality checks
- Thermal ventilation
- Crimping and connection quality
- Mounting reliabilities
To ensure the developed system is assembled
and fabricated as designed.To ensure fabricated
electronics are stable, safe and durable for 24/7
Software TestStatic Analysis TestsEnsure production quality code.
Expose vulnerabilities in “distance” & “hard-to-reach” code.

Standalone tests for door integration

Similar to the standalone tests done for lift integrations, the developed door controllers also follow similar test cases to ensure its reliability.

A more in-depth explanation on the work behind door integrations can be found in Chapter 10.2.2.

Table 2: Tests for components for door integration

ComponentsCategoriesTest CasesReasons
Door Controller BoxFunctionality TestTesting reading of door states

Testing of commanding doors to close and open.

Exceptional Behaviors
- Switch to non-interfering mode
- Connection loss behaviors
- And more

Quality checks
To ensure the developed system is assembled and fabricated as designed.

To ensure fabricated electronics are stable, safe and durable for 24/7 operations.
Software TestStatic Analysis TestsEnsure production quality code.
Expose vulnerabilities in “distance” & “hard-to-reach” code.