Final Test
This is the test where all components including Senserbot, RMF and the integrated lifts and doors are integrated.
For this project, a total of three scenarios (which represent similar operational situations) were tested. The tested scenarios are the following:
Robot moving through lift and door to workcell to perform its mission
a. To demonstrate the ability of robots to take lift to different floors, open and move through doors and start its task.
b. Consists of 20 permutations of robots taking lift from Floor A to Floor B and opening the doors for both Floor A and Floor B.
Wireless Charging of Robot
a. To demonstrate the robot can be commanded by RMF to go and get charged at level 6 wireless charging point from any floor.
b. Consists of 5 permutations of the robot taking lift from Floor X to Floor 6's charging point.
Robot's movement during Emergency
a. To demonstrate that during an emergency situation such as a building fire alarm being triggered, the robots can automatically move out of the main paths of evacuation to prevent blockage. It also covers recovery behaviors of the robot when the emergency situation is disengaged.
b. Consists of 5 permutations of the robot traveling when a fire alarm is triggered.
The test plans for the above scenarios can be downloaded here.